Wine Pride Release '1201 AM'
28/04/2024 ▸
After the success of their debut album ‘Wine Pride’, the band have developed their sound; tapping deeper into the emotive, nostalgia laden core of their music. Sharp, interlocking guitar lines combine with melodic bass and exact drumming to create rhythmic musical progression that guides the listener deeper into the enveloping world of sound as Aaron Felger’s vocals sit softly above the swirling harmonies. ‘1201 AM’s restless haze is rooted in confronting an unhealthy lifestyle, as Aaron himself explains:
“The person telling the story is struggling to understand whether their desire to party is fueled by their lust for life, or addiction. The outro, “life like, a dream you live” represents both celebrating your life, feeling like you’re living a dream and a washed up, sense of denial about your clouded reality. 12:01 AM symbolises the first minute of the new day and all the possibilities for change that come with it. You could be embracing it as you’re enjoying time with your friends or dreading what comes next.”
The single was recorded with Brandon Hamby at Elkin Studio Sound and mixed / mastered by Joel Weldon Willis. This added expertise allowed Wine Pride to delve deep into their influences. Drawing elements from new wave, shoegaze, krautrock and dream pop the band also implement pieces of slacker, skateboarding culture into their lyrical motifs. The music video, shot by Samuel Fife, taps into these sensibilities to create a visual experience reflecting the fleeting memories that make up our existence. Conveying a mix of melancholy and bliss, Wine Pride intends to provide some comfort and familiarity to their listeners across different points of their life. Their new EP ‘Lost Years’, releasing May 9th, emphasises the preciousness of time.
“We wanted to convey a sense of vulnerability as we relay challenging themes that relate to experience in our personal lives. We wanted to make the sound feel more intimate and natural while maintaining some of the aethereal-reverb heavy sound that came in our previous release.”